jueves, 24 de abril de 2008

Corrections on Previous Blogs

“Outage,” a short story by John Updike, reflects the monotonous existence people of the XXIst century are accustomed to have, an existence where electricity, technology, and sex are the only elements that constitute their reality.

“Outage,” a short story by John Updike, reflects the monotonous existence people of the XXIst century are accustomed to have. Electricity, technology, and sex are the only elements that constitute their reality.

Candide, Chapters XXI - XXX
Pangloss remained as stubborn as ever. Although he still defended his philosophy that “‘all is for the best in the best of all possible worlds’.” (back cover), Pangloss ceased to believe in it and, therefore, undermined its entire foundations.

Pangloss remained as stubborn as ever; although he still defended his philosophy that “‘all is for the best in the best of all possible worlds’.” (back cover), Pangloss ceased to believe in it and, therefore, undermined its entire foundations.

Candide, Chapters XVI - XX
Candide is accepting a pragmatic approach to life, where true facts and events, not simple inferences with nor credibility or evidence at all, mold the mind’s reasoning.

Candide is accepting a pragmatic approach to life, where true facts and events, not simple inferences with no credibility or evidence at all, mold the mind’s reasoning.

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